
All photographs on these pages were taken by me on my travels around Northern Ireland. Hopefully it will give you an idea of just how beautiful many parts of the country are, in and out of our towns and cities. I am not a professional photographer, in fact all of the pictures here were taken with just a pocket compact camera. Feel free to use the pictures wherever you like, but it would be nice to get a little mention of my page in return if you do.


Colin M.

9 responses to “About

    • Thank you for your really kind comment. Its always been my mission to show what NI has beyond its troubled past. Things have changed here so much over the past decade or more and there’s a real sense of optimism in the air now with tourists truly starting to appreciate whats lay hidden for so long. We are a very small country, you can basically drive between any 2 places shown on the site in a maximum of 2hrs (most are actually only 1hr) and there’s so much more I haven’t listed yet. Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to post a comment. Its always nice to get some encouragement πŸ™‚


  1. Really good to see your site. Yes, we often hear nothing but the worst side of life in Northern Ireland, but your site is a graphic reminder of the beauty that lies just around the corner. Really glad I found the site.Keep on doing what you do – it really is worth it! PS, I used one of your great pics on my own blog and accredited it. Hope that I got the name right.


    • Thanks a lot Derek. It’s often the case that the south of Ireland gets all the recognition for the beauty spots on the island but the north has hidden talent that rarely gets a mention. NI is tiny, and I recently asked a few people (I work with) if they had heard of places like Kinbane Castle, Port Moon, even Gortmore and they all hadn’t. So even living here for 40yrs can leave you blinkered to what’s out there haha. We were up on the north coast on Saturday and the temperature hit 19c at one point (crazy for early April) as we drove our car along the beach between Downhill & Benone. We stopped off for a while and sat on the edge of the sand dunes there and watched a brilliant orange sunset that was the equal of anywhere in the world. Binevenagh mountain sat behind us, Mussenden Temple to the right of us, and the Donegal hills ahead of us across the water. Its moments like that I feel proud to live here. Blissfully untethered from any superficial tribal convictions. Will check out your site πŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

      • Absolutely correct about the scenery. I was having alook through some photos that I had taken a while back, of landscapes in the Province and was amazed to find some wonderful skies around Carrickfergus and Newtownabbey. Blues, oranges, reds – they were all there in their glory. Surprising, really because, as you quite rightly inferred, we assume that you have to go abroad to catch such scenes. I found, then, that a good time was Autumn!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Colin you have a photograph on your site on Goles Stone Row. I am producing some panels about the area and I was wondering if it might be possible to use the image. I can be contacted on 07775 886869. Regards Gary


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