Downhill Mausoleum and Old Cemetery

As you approach Downhill Demesne from the Lions Gate entrance, the first thing you will see is the towering “Mausoleum” monument. There’s actually never been anyone buried in there, its really just a remembrance building. Across the road however, lies what seems like a very old graveyard (at the back of the current one), and some of the stones show dates of over 200yrs past. I imagine it might be even older however as when you walk around there looks like even more graves below your feet, with the large ones piled high in the middle. The cemetery looks like something constructed for a movie. Beautiful and creepy.


The Downhill Mausoleum. Much larger than it looks from the road.


The inscription.


Much of it has now fallen down.

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Dominating the landscape of a dark Winters day. Downhill House in the background.

Then across the road hidden away is this….


An old graveyard.


Long since past anyone caring for it.


This stone seems to have a 200yr old epitaph (1817)


An overgrown tomb.

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The place looks like a classic cemetery from some Hammer Horror movie.


This mound has a path that winds around it, but as you walk there are small graves under your feet with tiny headstones lost in the grass. It seems like they piled the graves on top of each other.


The ruins of some old church at one corner of the graveyard. Creepy place.

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