Castlerock and Belvedere Summer House Downhill

Just by parking your car (or getting off the train) at Castlerock you have so much access to many wonderful sights and coastline around this area. We left the car at “Tunnel Brae” – two carparks with a viewpoint over the town and set off to walk across the Black Glen towards Belvedere Summer house – part of the large Downhill Demesne. I really don’t need to say much more than the walk was absolutely stunning.


Castlerock beach on a November day.


Some local information (sorry about the bird poo)


Known as the Twelve Apostles, and situated just behind the Tunnel Brae carpark, these were old labourers cottages built in the 18th century, if you follow the road along here you will find the path towards Downhill Demesne.


Another little cottage at the end of the road with a sign for the Black Glen walk.


From the Black Glen looking back towards Castlerock. Its not as far as it looks.


We’ve already visited Mussenden so its on to Belvedere.


Your first view from the valley below. It was built by the Bishops daughter Mary.


This little set of windswept trees have been painted and photographed many times by others.


Looking into the Summer house. Its quite small really, but a major part of the entire Demesne. You can get in round the back.


If you look really closely here, to the far left under the tree, you can see the railway tunnel to and from Castlerock. Another tunnel is at the far end of the headland (under Mussenden) where you are now. These are the two longest railway tunnels in Northern Ireland.

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